Further Considering the Altered Transcription of Longer Genes with Age

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/03/further-considering-the-altered-transcription-of-longer-genes-with-age/

The machinery of gene expression changes with age. In recent years, it has been noted that the length of gene sequences correlates with the degree to which transcription of gene sequences into RNA molecules changes over the course of aging. Later work has started to examine the proximate causes of these changes, various fine detail mechanisms buried in the depths of transcription. The research community is not yet at the point of being able to conclusively demonstrate that altered transcription of longer genes produces meaningful downstream consequences…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/03/further-considering-the-altered-transcription-of-longer-genes-with-age/

The machinery of gene expression changes with age. In recent years, it has been noted that the length of gene sequences correlates with the degree to which transcription of gene sequences into RNA molecules changes over the course of aging. Later work has started to examine the proximate causes of these changes, various fine detail mechanisms buried in the depths of transcription. The research community is not yet at the point of being able to conclusively demonstrate that altered transcription of longer genes produces meaningful downstream consequences…

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