Health Rumors Debunked: How to Separate Truth from Fiction


You’re perusing Facebook, when an official-looking story catches your eye. “Eat this every day to detox!” The lure of the clickbait draws you in, and before you know it, you’re contemplating subsisting on nothing but beet juice for the next week to cleanse your system.

Health misinformation runs rampant on social media. And if you don’t have an MD after your last name, it can be hard to know which claims have actual evidence to back them up. While some of the wonky recommendations are probably harmless, others could do serious damage to your health.

To save you the time of poring through medical journals (yawn!), we’ve compiled a list of 8 popular health rumors. Then we debunked them. You’re welcome.

1. Your body needs to detox

Your body is filled with all kinds of toxins. Yo…


You’re perusing Facebook, when an official-looking story catches your eye. “Eat this every day to detox!” The lure of the clickbait draws you in, and before you know it, you’re contemplating subsisting on nothing but beet juice for the next week to cleanse your system.

Health misinformation runs rampant on social media. And if you don’t have an MD after your last name, it can be hard to know which claims have actual evidence to back them up. While some of the wonky recommendations are probably harmless, others could do serious damage to your health.

To save you the time of poring through medical journals (yawn!), we’ve compiled a list of 8 popular health rumors. Then we debunked them. You’re welcome.

1. Your body needs to detox

Your body is filled with all kinds of toxins. Yo…

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