How Control of Hypertension Affects Stroke Risk


The risk of suffering stroke, stratified by patient age and health status, has been well defined for decades. Look back at the Framington study data from the 1990s for example. The bottom line is that the odds average about 0.5%/year in your 50s through to 2.5%/year in your 80s, but whether or not you are in good shape matters a great deal when it comes to where you sit in relation to the average. Hypertension, raised blood pressure, is important in determining stroke risk for the obvious reasons: greater blood pressure means a greater chance of rupturing weakened blood vessels or atherosclerotic plaque. The reason why <a href="…


The risk of suffering stroke, stratified by patient age and health status, has been well defined for decades. Look back at the Framington study data from the 1990s for example. The bottom line is that the odds average about 0.5%/year in your 50s through to 2.5%/year in your 80s, but whether or not you are in good shape matters a great deal when it comes to where you sit in relation to the average. Hypertension, raised blood pressure, is important in determining stroke risk for the obvious reasons: greater blood pressure means a greater chance of rupturing weakened blood vessels or atherosclerotic plaque. The reason why <a href="…

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