How One Type of Tumor Converts Innate Immune Cells to its Cause


Cancer is a corruption of growth. It is the processes of normal regeneration and tissue maintenance run wild, let loose from the usual state of careful regulation. One of the mechanisms by which many types of cancer prosper is via manipulation of the innate immune cells called macrophages, a type of myeloid cell, recruiting them to assist the cancer in many of the same ways that macrophages assist in regeneration and tissue maintenance. Solid cancer tissue contains large numbers of these tumor-associated macrophages.

Researchers are interested in finding ways to sabotage this relationship, particularly since macrophages are also capable of destroying errant cells, given the right prompts. Is it the case that tumor-associated ma…


Cancer is a corruption of growth. It is the processes of normal regeneration and tissue maintenance run wild, let loose from the usual state of careful regulation. One of the mechanisms by which many types of cancer prosper is via manipulation of the innate immune cells called macrophages, a type of myeloid cell, recruiting them to assist the cancer in many of the same ways that macrophages assist in regeneration and tissue maintenance. Solid cancer tissue contains large numbers of these tumor-associated macrophages.

Researchers are interested in finding ways to sabotage this relationship, particularly since macrophages are also capable of destroying errant cells, given the right prompts. Is it the case that tumor-associated ma…

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