How to Be More Present & Alive in the Moment


By Leo Babauta

One of the people in my Fearless Mastery mastermind group is an amazing leader who is exceedingly good at getting things done and leading a team.

Her entire life is filled with doing, and she’s so good at it.

What she wants to shift is more into Being, and it’s a beautiful intention.

She wants to be more present, more joyful, more appreciative. She wants more fun! And to be truly happy to be with the person she’s speaking with.

I freaking love this.

So how do we become more present and alive in each moment? I have some ideas, based on the work I’ve been doing over the last 15 years on this.

  1. Practice fully pouring yourself into every act. This is a Zen practice — being fully in every task you do, every act. If you’re sitting in meditation, be fully in your seat, not have your mind be somewhere else. If you&#82…


By Leo Babauta

One of the people in my Fearless Mastery mastermind group is an amazing leader who is exceedingly good at getting things done and leading a team.

Her entire life is filled with doing, and she’s so good at it.

What she wants to shift is more into Being, and it’s a beautiful intention.

She wants to be more present, more joyful, more appreciative. She wants more fun! And to be truly happy to be with the person she’s speaking with.

I freaking love this.

So how do we become more present and alive in each moment? I have some ideas, based on the work I’ve been doing over the last 15 years on this.

  1. Practice fully pouring yourself into every act. This is a Zen practice — being fully in every task you do, every act. If you’re sitting in meditation, be fully in your seat, not have your mind be somewhere else. If you&#82…

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