How To Deal With Ingrown Hair Scars, According to Derms


Picking at ingrown hairs can damage the skin and cause ingrown hair scars or hyperpigmentation. But, preventing ingrown hairs in the first place is the best way to avoid lingering spots.

female with ingrown hair scars on bikini line
Erin Brant/Stocksy United (person appearing is a model and used for illustrative purposes only)

Ingrown hair scars often look like raised, red, or dark brown bumps. While not as likely, it’s also possible to get keloid scarring, which is when scar tissue keeps growing to form smooth, raised nodules.

The root — er, follicle — of these scars is ingrown hairs. These hairs curve and grow back into the …


Picking at ingrown hairs can damage the skin and cause ingrown hair scars or hyperpigmentation. But, preventing ingrown hairs in the first place is the best way to avoid lingering spots.

female with ingrown hair scars on bikini line
Erin Brant/Stocksy United (person appearing is a model and used for illustrative purposes only)

Ingrown hair scars often look like raised, red, or dark brown bumps. While not as likely, it’s also possible to get keloid scarring, which is when scar tissue keeps growing to form smooth, raised nodules.

The root — er, follicle — of these scars is ingrown hairs. These hairs curve and grow back into the …

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