How to Have More Focused Hours in Your Day


By Leo Babauta

I was talking to someone today and he said that with all the time he spends putzing around on the internet, he gets maybe 2 hours of focused time a day. I actually think that’s higher than average!

But if he does incredible work in those 2 hours a day, think of the good he could do if he doubled or even tripled that amount of focused time. His impact on the world would multiply.

It might be interesting to audit your own time, and see how much of it is focused, meaningful work. Is that a good amount for you, or would you like to increase your focused hours and impact on the world?

For me, what success I’ve had in increasing my focused time comes down to three habits:

  1. Asking myself what meaningful, impactful work I can get done today.
  2. Creating space for the meaningful work instead of just doing busywork or being distracted all day.
  3. Working in fullscre…


By Leo Babauta

I was talking to someone today and he said that with all the time he spends putzing around on the internet, he gets maybe 2 hours of focused time a day. I actually think that’s higher than average!

But if he does incredible work in those 2 hours a day, think of the good he could do if he doubled or even tripled that amount of focused time. His impact on the world would multiply.

It might be interesting to audit your own time, and see how much of it is focused, meaningful work. Is that a good amount for you, or would you like to increase your focused hours and impact on the world?

For me, what success I’ve had in increasing my focused time comes down to three habits:

  1. Asking myself what meaningful, impactful work I can get done today.
  2. Creating space for the meaningful work instead of just doing busywork or being distracted all day.
  3. Working in fullscre…

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