Inconclusive Effects on Telomere Length from the CALERIE 2 Study


In recent years, researchers have been putting more effect into analyses of the CALERIE 2 study of human calorie restriction. The study took place some years ago, but new results continue to be published. Here, researchers show that effects on telomere length and a related aging clock are inconclusive. Telomere length measured in the white blood cells of a blood sample is not a great measure of aging. It is highly variable between individuals, is influenced day to day changes in immune status, and it takes a fairly large study group for age-related trends to show up. It has rightfully been eclipsed by th…


In recent years, researchers have been putting more effect into analyses of the CALERIE 2 study of human calorie restriction. The study took place some years ago, but new results continue to be published. Here, researchers show that effects on telomere length and a related aging clock are inconclusive. Telomere length measured in the white blood cells of a blood sample is not a great measure of aging. It is highly variable between individuals, is influenced day to day changes in immune status, and it takes a fairly large study group for age-related trends to show up. It has rightfully been eclipsed by th…

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