Inflammaging and Its Contribution to the Development of Atherosclerosis


Inflammaging describes the raised, unresolved inflammation characteristic of old tissues, a dysfunction of the immune system that in turn produces failures of tissue maintenance and function. It arises from issues such as the inflammatory signaling of senescent cells and the reaction of the innate immune system to DNA debris from age-damaged cells. That senescent cells can be cleared, and that clearance will soon enough become a part of everyday medicine, means that the burden of inflammaging for future generations will be diminished. As a result, many age-related di…


Inflammaging describes the raised, unresolved inflammation characteristic of old tissues, a dysfunction of the immune system that in turn produces failures of tissue maintenance and function. It arises from issues such as the inflammatory signaling of senescent cells and the reaction of the innate immune system to DNA debris from age-damaged cells. That senescent cells can be cleared, and that clearance will soon enough become a part of everyday medicine, means that the burden of inflammaging for future generations will be diminished. As a result, many age-related di…

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