Innate Immune Activation as a Contributing Cause of Inflammaging, Reduced by Calorie Restriction


The immune system becomes ever more inflammatory with advancing age, a state known as inflammaging, even as it loses competence in destroying pathogens and unwanted cells. This sustained, unresolved inflammation is harmful, the cause of numerous harmful changes in cell function and failures of tissue maintenance. It accelerates the onset and progression of all of the common age-related conditions. This is caused in part by the pro-inflammatory signaling of senescent cells, present in increasing numbers in the aged body. Another important contribution, and a focus in today’s open access paper, is the activation of <a h…


The immune system becomes ever more inflammatory with advancing age, a state known as inflammaging, even as it loses competence in destroying pathogens and unwanted cells. This sustained, unresolved inflammation is harmful, the cause of numerous harmful changes in cell function and failures of tissue maintenance. It accelerates the onset and progression of all of the common age-related conditions. This is caused in part by the pro-inflammatory signaling of senescent cells, present in increasing numbers in the aged body. Another important contribution, and a focus in today’s open access paper, is the activation of <a h…

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