Is Shrimp Actually Good for You? Let's Drop Some Nutrition Facts


Love flakey batter-fried shrimp or a decadent shrimp cocktail? No need to skimp on shrimp! The popular shellfish is swimming with nutrients.

Shrimp is a low calorie and nutrient-dense food that contains a hefty serving of protein, vitamin B12, and essential minerals like selenium, zinc, and iodine. Shellfish allergies aside, this crustacean is a healthy addition to most peeps’ plates.

Here’s the scoop on shrimp nutrition and the many benefits of eating this sea starlet.

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Love flakey batter-fried shrimp or a decadent shrimp cocktail? No need to skimp on shrimp! The popular shellfish is swimming with nutrients.

Shrimp is a low calorie and nutrient-dense food that contains a hefty serving of protein, vitamin B12, and essential minerals like selenium, zinc, and iodine. Shellfish allergies aside, this crustacean is a healthy addition to most peeps’ plates.

Here’s the scoop on shrimp nutrition and the many benefits of eating this sea starlet.

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="https://post.g…

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