Lewy Body Disease May Be More Common than Thought

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/04/lewy-body-disease-may-be-more-common-than-thought/

Access to human brain tissue for medical research is more limited than most people realize is the case, and, for obvious reasons, far too little of the available tissue data covers the early stages of disease. This limitation is one of the factors slowing the pace of research into age-related neurodegenerative conditions. Here, for example, researchers make use of an unusual resource to show that the prevalence of Lewy body disease may be greater than presently thought, with pathology beginning in the 50s, even if there are no outright symptoms of disease at that stage.

Lewy body disease is the second most common brain degenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease. Lewy bodies, deposits of <a href="htt…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/04/lewy-body-disease-may-be-more-common-than-thought/

Access to human brain tissue for medical research is more limited than most people realize is the case, and, for obvious reasons, far too little of the available tissue data covers the early stages of disease. This limitation is one of the factors slowing the pace of research into age-related neurodegenerative conditions. Here, for example, researchers make use of an unusual resource to show that the prevalence of Lewy body disease may be greater than presently thought, with pathology beginning in the 50s, even if there are no outright symptoms of disease at that stage.

Lewy body disease is the second most common brain degenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease. Lewy bodies, deposits of <a href="htt…

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