Moving Through the Day with More Ease


By Leo Babauta

I recently did dozens of video calls for applicants for my new Fearless Mastery mastermind … and at first, it really exhausted me.

I shared that with my Zen teacher, and we had a discussion about leaning into the calls (which feels very tense for me) vs. leaning back and allowing some space. The latter approach helps me feel more at ease.

This practice helped a lot, and I shifted what I’ve been doing lately to moving through the day with much more ease.

Basically, the idea is this: instead of having a grasping, tense attitude about whatever you’re doing … you can lean back a little, and be more relaxed.

You can try it now: see where you are holding tension, take a few breaths, and release the tension. Come to a place of ease, peace, openness. It might take a bit of practice, but most of us are holding tension in wh…


By Leo Babauta

I recently did dozens of video calls for applicants for my new Fearless Mastery mastermind … and at first, it really exhausted me.

I shared that with my Zen teacher, and we had a discussion about leaning into the calls (which feels very tense for me) vs. leaning back and allowing some space. The latter approach helps me feel more at ease.

This practice helped a lot, and I shifted what I’ve been doing lately to moving through the day with much more ease.

Basically, the idea is this: instead of having a grasping, tense attitude about whatever you’re doing … you can lean back a little, and be more relaxed.

You can try it now: see where you are holding tension, take a few breaths, and release the tension. Come to a place of ease, peace, openness. It might take a bit of practice, but most of us are holding tension in wh…

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