Old Folks Offer Hollywood New Insights

Source https://changingaging.org/blog/old-folks-offer-hollywood-new-insights/

Who better to judge whether art accurately imitates life than those with plenty of experience? So, when Hollywood attempts to fictionalize aging-related storylines, it would make sense — practically and experientially — for creative content developers to, well, consider the source, as in real older adults. … Wise up on aging, say these critics …

The post Old Folks Offer Hollywood New Insights appeared first on ChangingAging.

Source https://changingaging.org/blog/old-folks-offer-hollywood-new-insights/

Who better to judge whether art accurately imitates life than those with plenty of experience? So, when Hollywood attempts to fictionalize aging-related storylines, it would make sense — practically and experientially — for creative content developers to, well, consider the source, as in real older adults. … Wise up on aging, say these critics …

The post Old Folks Offer Hollywood New Insights appeared first on ChangingAging.

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