Plant-Based Workout Nutrition 101: What to Eat Before, During, and After Your Workout for Optimal Performance


Of all the plant-based meals during your training, those surrounding your workouts — and the calories you consume during the workout itself — are the most crucial to your success, particularly because they affect your ability to stay energized and strong.

Fortunately, the precepts of optimal workout nutrition are completely consistent with plant-based nutrition

(In fact, vegan ultramarathon legend Scott Jurek once pointed out that most people eat a vegan diet anyway while they’re running or working out.)

However, the food that will maximize performance differs significantly from what you should eat on a typical day — most noticeably, the …


Of all the plant-based meals during your training, those surrounding your workouts — and the calories you consume during the workout itself — are the most crucial to your success, particularly because they affect your ability to stay energized and strong.

Fortunately, the precepts of optimal workout nutrition are completely consistent with plant-based nutrition

(In fact, vegan ultramarathon legend Scott Jurek once pointed out that most people eat a vegan diet anyway while they’re running or working out.)

However, the food that will maximize performance differs significantly from what you should eat on a typical day — most noticeably, the …

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