Practicing with Zero


By Leo Babauta

When we’re creating a habit — say, meditation or practicing a language — we often try to encourage ourselves by creating an unbroken streak.

100 straight days of meditation! 30 straight days of practicing Chinese!

These are amazing accomplishments, and we should let ourselves feel encouraged when we have consistency like this.

However, what happens when the streak is broken? When the streak goes down to a Big Zero?

This can be incredibly discouraging, and we then often want to give up.

However, even more powerful than the consistency of a streak is what I call Practicing with Zero.

When we fall off the plan, when the streak is broken, when we don’t do the morning routine we like … this is when many of us hit the “Ah screw it” moment. (aka the “Fuck It” moment)

It’s like, “Ah wel…


By Leo Babauta

When we’re creating a habit — say, meditation or practicing a language — we often try to encourage ourselves by creating an unbroken streak.

100 straight days of meditation! 30 straight days of practicing Chinese!

These are amazing accomplishments, and we should let ourselves feel encouraged when we have consistency like this.

However, what happens when the streak is broken? When the streak goes down to a Big Zero?

This can be incredibly discouraging, and we then often want to give up.

However, even more powerful than the consistency of a streak is what I call Practicing with Zero.

When we fall off the plan, when the streak is broken, when we don’t do the morning routine we like … this is when many of us hit the “Ah screw it” moment. (aka the “Fuck It” moment)

It’s like, “Ah wel…

What Do You Think?


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