Reviewing Potential Strategies for the Rejuvenation of Stem Cell Populations


Every type of tissue is supported by its own dedicated stem cell population, delivering a supply of daughter somatic cells that replace losses and maintain tissue function. Unfortunately, stem cell function declines with age. This has numerous causes, all of which descend from the underlying accumulation of molecular damage outlined in the SENS research proposals for rejuvenation biotechnologies. Downstream of those causes, stem cells become less active due to some combination of internal damage, damage to t…


Every type of tissue is supported by its own dedicated stem cell population, delivering a supply of daughter somatic cells that replace losses and maintain tissue function. Unfortunately, stem cell function declines with age. This has numerous causes, all of which descend from the underlying accumulation of molecular damage outlined in the SENS research proposals for rejuvenation biotechnologies. Downstream of those causes, stem cells become less active due to some combination of internal damage, damage to t…

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