Studying the Trajectory of Exercise Across Life Suggests that It is Never Too Late to Undertake More It


You may recall a study from a few years back suggesting that increasing level of exercise in later life, after a low level of exercise in earlier life, removes a perhaps surprisingly large fraction of the negative consequences of that low level of exercise. This is at least the case when it comes to age-related mortality. Nonetheless, in that study, maintaining a high level of exercise across life was still shown to be much better for health than only beginning high levels of exercise in later life.

Today’s open access paper reports on a similar study, but here the metrics are specifically focused on measurements of frailty, such as grip strength. The interesting portion of the outcome is that the people who moved from low levels of exercise…


You may recall a study from a few years back suggesting that increasing level of exercise in later life, after a low level of exercise in earlier life, removes a perhaps surprisingly large fraction of the negative consequences of that low level of exercise. This is at least the case when it comes to age-related mortality. Nonetheless, in that study, maintaining a high level of exercise across life was still shown to be much better for health than only beginning high levels of exercise in later life.

Today’s open access paper reports on a similar study, but here the metrics are specifically focused on measurements of frailty, such as grip strength. The interesting portion of the outcome is that the people who moved from low levels of exercise…

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