Surrey Hills mountainbiking with Marmalade MTB


Video below 👇

There’s a post in my drafts that I’ve not yet published about doing more exercise that makes my heart sing (stay tuned this weekend for it to go live). For me, riding my bike(s) has always brought me unparalleled joy, I’ve loved cycling all my life.

The kind of joy I felt as a kid, when my Dad bought me a new BMX for Christmas and instead of ‘just’ wrapping it up, he made finding it into one massive game – a treasure hunt around the house and garden following a piece of string to my prize (nice one Dad).

I’ve never let go of that magic.

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Video below 👇

There’s a post in my drafts that I’ve not yet published about doing more exercise that makes my heart sing (stay tuned this weekend for it to go live). For me, riding my bike(s) has always brought me unparalleled joy, I’ve loved cycling all my life.

The kind of joy I felt as a kid, when my Dad bought me a new BMX for Christmas and instead of ‘just’ wrapping it up, he made finding it into one massive game – a treasure hunt around the house and garden following a piece of string to my prize (nice one Dad).

I’ve never let go of that magic.

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