The Accelerated Aging Produced by Chronic Kidney Disease


Many lines of evidence point to kidney function as being particularly important to the health of organs throughout the body. To pick one example, one of the better known longevity-associated genes, klotho, appears to act in the kidney, and yet is well known for producing improvements in cognitive function. Here, researchers discuss much of the other evidence related to the accelerated aging observed in chronic kidney disease patients. Once the kidney starts to decline, near everything else in the body follows, with cardiovascular issues being a particularly prominent part of the problem.

The charact…


Many lines of evidence point to kidney function as being particularly important to the health of organs throughout the body. To pick one example, one of the better known longevity-associated genes, klotho, appears to act in the kidney, and yet is well known for producing improvements in cognitive function. Here, researchers discuss much of the other evidence related to the accelerated aging observed in chronic kidney disease patients. Once the kidney starts to decline, near everything else in the body follows, with cardiovascular issues being a particularly prominent part of the problem.

The charact…

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