The Habit Dip


By Leo Babauta

I was talking with a group of people in my Sea Change Program who had success with some difficult habits for a few months … and then hit a dip.

This dip is something everyone faces when changing habits: we lose motivation, we get discouraged, we encounter difficulty, we lose focus because other things get in the way, we get sidetracked by life.

The dip is completely normal and even predictable when you’re changing an old habit or forming a new one. In fact, anytime you take on a project or goal, you will face this kind of dip.

That’s the bad news — you’ll always hit a dip in motivation, focus, energy.

But there’s good news too:

  1. The dip is temporary, if you keep going through it; and
  2. The dip is an incredible place of learning

The last point is so important I nee…


By Leo Babauta

I was talking with a group of people in my Sea Change Program who had success with some difficult habits for a few months … and then hit a dip.

This dip is something everyone faces when changing habits: we lose motivation, we get discouraged, we encounter difficulty, we lose focus because other things get in the way, we get sidetracked by life.

The dip is completely normal and even predictable when you’re changing an old habit or forming a new one. In fact, anytime you take on a project or goal, you will face this kind of dip.

That’s the bad news — you’ll always hit a dip in motivation, focus, energy.

But there’s good news too:

  1. The dip is temporary, if you keep going through it; and
  2. The dip is an incredible place of learning

The last point is so important I nee…

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