The Infection-Senescence Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease


With the continued failure of clinical trials of therapies for Alzheimer’s disease, largely immunotherapies, that aim to clear amyloid-β, a growing faction of researchers are rejecting the amyloid hypothesis. In that mainstream view of the condition, the accumulation of amyloid-β causes the early stages of Alzheimer’s, but in addition to disrupting the function of neurons, it also causes immune cells in the brain to become inflammatory, dysfunction…


With the continued failure of clinical trials of therapies for Alzheimer’s disease, largely immunotherapies, that aim to clear amyloid-β, a growing faction of researchers are rejecting the amyloid hypothesis. In that mainstream view of the condition, the accumulation of amyloid-β causes the early stages of Alzheimer’s, but in addition to disrupting the function of neurons, it also causes immune cells in the brain to become inflammatory, dysfunction…

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