The Joy of Letting Go


By Leo Babauta

A surprising number of our daily struggles stem from our attachments.

Let me list a few:

  • Overeating: There’s nothing wrong with eating, but when we eat out of the habit of comforting ourselves or not knowing when to stop, it can lead to feeling bad or having worse health over time. The attachment here might be an attachment to comforting ourselves with food, to tasting certain foods every day, or to finishing everything on our plate even if we’ve already had enough.
  • Overworking: If we’re working too much, there might be an attachment to getting as much done as possible, maybe to feel like we’re good enough.
  • Putting things off: This can be caused by a number of things, but one possibility is an attachment to doing it right or to getting a particular outcome that makes us feel good about ourselves or safe.
  • Fr…


By Leo Babauta

A surprising number of our daily struggles stem from our attachments.

Let me list a few:

  • Overeating: There’s nothing wrong with eating, but when we eat out of the habit of comforting ourselves or not knowing when to stop, it can lead to feeling bad or having worse health over time. The attachment here might be an attachment to comforting ourselves with food, to tasting certain foods every day, or to finishing everything on our plate even if we’ve already had enough.
  • Overworking: If we’re working too much, there might be an attachment to getting as much done as possible, maybe to feel like we’re good enough.
  • Putting things off: This can be caused by a number of things, but one possibility is an attachment to doing it right or to getting a particular outcome that makes us feel good about ourselves or safe.
  • Fr…

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