The Missing Link: An Introduction to Pelvic Floor Rehab


Guest Blog by Jessie Thomas, DPT

Day in and day out, my patients’ say things like ”There’s PT for this? I’ve had two kids so of course I leak when I exercise!” I usually respond by saying, ”Yes and I am so glad you’re here! Your symptoms are common, but not normal.” The pelvic floor muscles are so important but most people don’t even know that this type of PT exists.” So, let me back up and explain what pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation entails and how you or someone you know may benefit from this type of physical therapy.


The pelvic floor muscles are part of the deep core. They work as a team with the diaphragm (our breathing muscle), the transversus abdominus (a deep abdominal muscle that acts like a corset), and the multifidi muscles (deep spinal stabilizers) to support our spine, pelvis, and hips. They attach from the pubic bone in front of the pelvis to the tailbone at the back of the pelvis as well as from sit bone to sit bone. They can be described as a s…


Guest Blog by Jessie Thomas, DPT

Day in and day out, my patients’ say things like ”There’s PT for this? I’ve had two kids so of course I leak when I exercise!” I usually respond by saying, ”Yes and I am so glad you’re here! Your symptoms are common, but not normal.” The pelvic floor muscles are so important but most people don’t even know that this type of PT exists.” So, let me back up and explain what pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation entails and how you or someone you know may benefit from this type of physical therapy.


The pelvic floor muscles are part of the deep core. They work as a team with the diaphragm (our breathing muscle), the transversus abdominus (a deep abdominal muscle that acts like a corset), and the multifidi muscles (deep spinal stabilizers) to support our spine, pelvis, and hips. They attach from the pubic bone in front of the pelvis to the tailbone at the back of the pelvis as well as from sit bone to sit bone. They can be described as a s…

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