The Truth About Acai Bowls: Read this first!


These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.

It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.

The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!

Are these claims true?

Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.

Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”

If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.

Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!

So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.

No hype.

No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.

Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.

What is an acai berry?

<img class="size-large w…


These days, Acai bowls are the hottest thing on the streets.

It’s been called “the healthiest breakfast on the planet” by some news outlets.

The hype machine is operating at full capacity for this South American berry. It’s a superfood that will help you lose weight, extend your lifespan, and help defend your body against aging!

Are these claims true?

Clearly the people marketing acai berries and bowls don’t care – as long as they can hype the crap out of it, there’s money to be made.

Hell, I walked down the street the other day and saw a place named “Acai Ya Later.”

If you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness for a while, it’s no secret I’m a fan of a well done pun, even if they need to mispronounce “acai” to make it work.

Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of bogus health claims, even if there are puns involved!

So today I’m gonna dig into the facts about acai berries, acai bowls, and eternal life from fruit.

No hype.

No acai supplement to sell you. No “superfood” claims.

Just the truth. And funny gifs. Always gifs.

What is an acai berry?

<img class="size-large w…

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