Towards Clinical Trials for ISRIB


ISRIB has for some years been under investigation as a way to reduce the impact of neurodegeneration and improve cognitive function. It is one of a number of small molecule approaches to upregulate forms of cellular housekeeping, the unfolded protein response in this case. More cellular maintenance in principle means a lower burden of molecular damage and cellular dysfunction at any given time. Since most of these maintenance processes appear to decline in efficacy with age, improvement is a compensatory strategy that might help. In many cases exercise produces more imp…


ISRIB has for some years been under investigation as a way to reduce the impact of neurodegeneration and improve cognitive function. It is one of a number of small molecule approaches to upregulate forms of cellular housekeeping, the unfolded protein response in this case. More cellular maintenance in principle means a lower burden of molecular damage and cellular dysfunction at any given time. Since most of these maintenance processes appear to decline in efficacy with age, improvement is a compensatory strategy that might help. In many cases exercise produces more imp…

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