Towards Mitochondrial Replacement Therapies


A great deal of evidence shows that declining mitochondrial function is important to the aging process. This is directly downstream of various forms of damage, such as to mitochondrial DNA. It is also long way downstream to other forms of age-related disarray that lead to epigenetic changes that impact mitochondrial function – far enough downstream that it is unclear as to how exactly the causes of aging produce this outcome. One common view is that the quality control process of mitophagy suffers as the result of <a href="…


A great deal of evidence shows that declining mitochondrial function is important to the aging process. This is directly downstream of various forms of damage, such as to mitochondrial DNA. It is also long way downstream to other forms of age-related disarray that lead to epigenetic changes that impact mitochondrial function – far enough downstream that it is unclear as to how exactly the causes of aging produce this outcome. One common view is that the quality control process of mitophagy suffers as the result of <a href="…

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