(Un)comfort Foods: Could the Keto Diet Be Making You Depressed?

Source https://greatist.com/health/keto-depression

A keto diet probably can’t cause depression. However, there is a chance a low-carb diet can have an impact on your overall mental health.

“Going keto” seems to get trendier each year, but the low carb, high fat life isn’t without its controversies. For instance, some say ketosis can trigger depression. Others claim the ketogenic diet boosts mental health.

So, is keto depression a thing? How does swapping carbs for fat actually affect mental health?

Let’s dig into the research on keto and depression. 🤓

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="https://post.greatist.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/02/528572-grt-can-Keto-cause-me-depression-1296×728-header_body.jp…

Source https://greatist.com/health/keto-depression

A keto diet probably can’t cause depression. However, there is a chance a low-carb diet can have an impact on your overall mental health.

“Going keto” seems to get trendier each year, but the low carb, high fat life isn’t without its controversies. For instance, some say ketosis can trigger depression. Others claim the ketogenic diet boosts mental health.

So, is keto depression a thing? How does swapping carbs for fat actually affect mental health?

Let’s dig into the research on keto and depression. 🤓

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="https://post.greatist.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/02/528572-grt-can-Keto-cause-me-depression-1296×728-header_body.jp…

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