Want to Get Bigger? Avoid These 9 Mistakes Skinny Guys Make Trying to Bulk Up!

Source https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/9-mistakes-skinny-people-make-trying-to-get-bigger/

If you’re here because you want to go from skinny to muscular, you’ve come to the right place!

I know exactly how you feel because I was once a very thin guy struggling to put on muscle.

We’ll talk about the mistakes I made so you can avoid them, then we’ll offer a step-by-step guide so you can start growing big and strong.

These are the 9 key mistakes skinny guys make (click each to skip right to that):

  1. Not eating enough (What to eat to grow big)
  2. Setting unrealistic expectations (How fast can I grow muscle?)
  3. Not having a solid plan (How…

Source https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/9-mistakes-skinny-people-make-trying-to-get-bigger/

If you’re here because you want to go from skinny to muscular, you’ve come to the right place!

I know exactly how you feel because I was once a very thin guy struggling to put on muscle.

We’ll talk about the mistakes I made so you can avoid them, then we’ll offer a step-by-step guide so you can start growing big and strong.

These are the 9 key mistakes skinny guys make (click each to skip right to that):

  1. Not eating enough (What to eat to grow big)
  2. Setting unrealistic expectations (How fast can I grow muscle?)
  3. Not having a solid plan (How…

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