When Was the Last Time You Weren’t Trying to Lose Fat?

Source https://niashanks.com/last-time-werent-trying-lose-fat/

when is the last time you weren't trying to lose fat?You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

Too many women have struggled, and depleted their sanity and happiness, from disliking their bodies and fighting the number on the scale. They’ve used exercise as punishment for overeating, to “fix” body parts they don’t like, to “earn” the right to eat dessert. And I have done all those things too. I have also, thankfully, had the privilege to work with numerous women who decided enough was enough: They knew there mus…

Source https://niashanks.com/last-time-werent-trying-lose-fat/

when is the last time you weren't trying to lose fat?You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

Too many women have struggled, and depleted their sanity and happiness, from disliking their bodies and fighting the number on the scale. They’ve used exercise as punishment for overeating, to “fix” body parts they don’t like, to “earn” the right to eat dessert. And I have done all those things too. I have also, thankfully, had the privilege to work with numerous women who decided enough was enough: They knew there mus…

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