When Your Expectations of Others is Making You Frustrated

Source http://zenhabits.net/freedom/

By Leo Babauta

Why do we get angry or frustrated or disappointed in other people in our lives?

Be honest — it happens to all of us, right? Other people can seem rude, frustrating, untrustworthy, inconsiderate, hurtful.

And while there is no excuse for abusive or hurtful behavior, a lot of the time, the real problem isn’t with the other person … it’s with our expectations of the other person.

Our expectations of others often cause our own struggles and frustrations.

So how can we work with these expectations so we can be more at peace, less reactive, and more compassionate with others?

Let’s take a look.

How Our Expectations Screw With Us

We will often blame the other person for our frustration — they’re the ones being difficult, irritating, inconsiderate, crazy, hurtful, stubborn. And there’s often good reaso…

Source http://zenhabits.net/freedom/

By Leo Babauta

Why do we get angry or frustrated or disappointed in other people in our lives?

Be honest — it happens to all of us, right? Other people can seem rude, frustrating, untrustworthy, inconsiderate, hurtful.

And while there is no excuse for abusive or hurtful behavior, a lot of the time, the real problem isn’t with the other person … it’s with our expectations of the other person.

Our expectations of others often cause our own struggles and frustrations.

So how can we work with these expectations so we can be more at peace, less reactive, and more compassionate with others?

Let’s take a look.

How Our Expectations Screw With Us

We will often blame the other person for our frustration — they’re the ones being difficult, irritating, inconsiderate, crazy, hurtful, stubborn. And there’s often good reaso…

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