Schrafft’s was a chain of restaurants, with a candy store attached, that catered to ladies who lunch. To NPR’s Lynn Neary, who used to waitress there, Schrafft’s “always felt like the epicenter of the comfort zone.”
MCNY/Gottscho-Schleisner/Getty Images
I believe I am one of the few people in the world who actually had tickets to Woodstock. Of course, I never got a chance to use them, because on the first day of the festival, I was filling up relish trays and taking dinner orders from customers at Schrafft’s.
All this came back to me in a rush of memories when I picked up the new book Ten Restaurants that Changed America. Schrafft’s was one of the restaurants listed. “Really”? I thought. “Schrafft’s changed America?”
This was a chain of tastefully decorated havens where ladies gathered for light lunches or ice cream …