Why Do Tattoos Hurt? Ouch Factors Explained

Source https://greatist.com/health/do-tattoos-hurt

Most folks agree getting tattooed hurts, but factors like pain tolerance and the body part being tattooed can affect your experience.

Getting a tattoo involves piercing your skin repeatedly with a super sharp needle – so it makes sense that it tends to hurt. (But probs not as much as getting your ex’s name laser-removed.)

The most painful body parts to tattoo are typically the bony areas and those with the most nerve endings, thin skin, and little fat. That’s why tattoos on your upper and lower back might be a breeze, but your ribcage and armpit will make you sc…

Source https://greatist.com/health/do-tattoos-hurt

Most folks agree getting tattooed hurts, but factors like pain tolerance and the body part being tattooed can affect your experience.

Getting a tattoo involves piercing your skin repeatedly with a super sharp needle – so it makes sense that it tends to hurt. (But probs not as much as getting your ex’s name laser-removed.)

The most painful body parts to tattoo are typically the bony areas and those with the most nerve endings, thin skin, and little fat. That’s why tattoos on your upper and lower back might be a breeze, but your ribcage and armpit will make you sc…

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