Wolves at Your Heels: The Fear That You’re Always Behind, Doing the Wrong Thing, & Generally Screwing Things Up Royally

Source http://zenhabits.net/wolves/

By Leo Babauta

I spoke with someone who so beautifully explained their biggest problem that I had to stop and catch my breath.

It spoke to the human condition incredibly well.

Some of the things they mentioned:

  • I’ve been so frustrated with myself lately that I find myself fighting back tears.
  • I feel confused and pulled in so many directions.
  • I just don’t want to feel so scared all the time. It’s immobilizing me. 
  • What is the right thing? What should I be doing? And why am I not managing to do it? What am I doing wrong?

One of my favorite parts of what they said is:

“So I guess, my biggest goal is to live without a general sense of fearfulness and terror, or panic, as if I have a pack of wolves on my heels, or I’m trapped in some weird escape room where I have to make the right choice – and no choice seems right.”

Does …

Source http://zenhabits.net/wolves/

By Leo Babauta

I spoke with someone who so beautifully explained their biggest problem that I had to stop and catch my breath.

It spoke to the human condition incredibly well.

Some of the things they mentioned:

  • I’ve been so frustrated with myself lately that I find myself fighting back tears.
  • I feel confused and pulled in so many directions.
  • I just don’t want to feel so scared all the time. It’s immobilizing me. 
  • What is the right thing? What should I be doing? And why am I not managing to do it? What am I doing wrong?

One of my favorite parts of what they said is:

“So I guess, my biggest goal is to live without a general sense of fearfulness and terror, or panic, as if I have a pack of wolves on my heels, or I’m trapped in some weird escape room where I have to make the right choice – and no choice seems right.”

Does …

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