The Most Underutilized Deadlift Accessory Lift


The post The Most Underutilized Deadlift Accessory Lift appeared first on Tucson Strength: Personal Training Tucson, Group Training, Kettlebells, Powerlifting.


The post The Most Underutilized Deadlift Accessory Lift appeared first on Tucson Strength: Personal Training Tucson, Group Training, Kettlebells, Powerlifting.

Grilled Steak and Strawberry Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette


Hey friends – I’m excited to share another grilling recipe with you today as part of my ongoing partnership with ALDI! As you guys know, we love grilling in summer, and our latest favorite recipe is this Grilled Steak and Strawberry Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette. Fruity salads are so perfect for summer, right?!

grilled steak and strawberry salad recipe

This sweet and savory salad makes for a great light but filling summer meal. Matt and I made it for a bunch of friends recently and we really enjoyed the fresh summery flavors – and how simple it was to scale up/make for a crowd!



Hey friends – I’m excited to share another grilling recipe with you today as part of my ongoing partnership with ALDI! As you guys know, we love grilling in summer, and our latest favorite recipe is this Grilled Steak and Strawberry Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette. Fruity salads are so perfect for summer, right?!

grilled steak and strawberry salad recipe

This sweet and savory salad makes for a great light but filling summer meal. Matt and I made it for a bunch of friends recently and we really enjoyed the fresh summery flavors – and how simple it was to scale up/make for a crowd!


How to Be Less Anxious About Things You Can’t Change


“One of the happiest moments is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.” ~Unknown

Over the last few years, I’ve had to deal with a frustrating problem.

It’s something that’s not uncommon, but it can be debilitating, and it has affected me every day. Some days have been incredibly tough, and they’ve tested my tolerance and my patience.

The problem is chronic back pain.

Every day I get up, knowing that throughout the day I’m going to have a discomfort that could oscillate between a mild annoyance and an intense burning. At some point, it’s going to distract me. Either while I work, while I eat, while I meditate, while I exercise, and sometimes while I sleep.

You’d think by now I would’ve gotten used to it, that it would’ve become the unwelcomed friend that I’d learned to live with. Unfortunately, that’s only the case sometimes.

But I am (slowly but surely) learning firsthand the value of something incredibly profound that the meditation teacher Shinzen Young once said:

“Suffering = Pain x Resistance.”

When it comes to the suffering we experience when dealing with physical pain, it’s not always …


“One of the happiest moments is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.” ~Unknown

Over the last few years, I’ve had to deal with a frustrating problem.

It’s something that’s not uncommon, but it can be debilitating, and it has affected me every day. Some days have been incredibly tough, and they’ve tested my tolerance and my patience.

The problem is chronic back pain.

Every day I get up, knowing that throughout the day I’m going to have a discomfort that could oscillate between a mild annoyance and an intense burning. At some point, it’s going to distract me. Either while I work, while I eat, while I meditate, while I exercise, and sometimes while I sleep.

You’d think by now I would’ve gotten used to it, that it would’ve become the unwelcomed friend that I’d learned to live with. Unfortunately, that’s only the case sometimes.

But I am (slowly but surely) learning firsthand the value of something incredibly profound that the meditation teacher Shinzen Young once said:

“Suffering = Pain x Resistance.”

When it comes to the suffering we experience when dealing with physical pain, it’s not always …

Fad Or The Future? Robot-Made Burgers Wow The Crowds In San Francisco


A Creator Burger fresh out of the robot that toasted the buns, sliced the produce, shredded the cheese, and cooked the beef.

As more culinary robots find their way into commercial food prep, one restaurant in San Francisco called Creator is hoping to strike a balance between high tech and the human touch.

(Image credit: Saroyan Humphrey)


A Creator Burger fresh out of the robot that toasted the buns, sliced the produce, shredded the cheese, and cooked the beef.

As more culinary robots find their way into commercial food prep, one restaurant in San Francisco called Creator is hoping to strike a balance between high tech and the human touch.

(Image credit: Saroyan Humphrey)

Study: Drinking up to 5–8 glasses of wine or beer a week not seen to increase dementia risk



There may be a link between alcohol and dementia, but it’s complicated (Popular Science):

“A recent article in the British Medical Journal has rekindled the scientific argument over the relationship between abstaining from alcohol and developing dementia. The study involved 9,000 civil servants working in London, all of whom were aged between 35 and 55 when the study began between 1985 and 1988. When the study ended in 1993, their average age was 50. The participants’ medical records were analyzed to identify diagnoses of dementia—more than 23 years, on average, after the study had finished. The results found that abstinence in midlife wa…



There may be a link between alcohol and dementia, but it’s complicated (Popular Science):

“A recent article in the British Medical Journal has rekindled the scientific argument over the relationship between abstaining from alcohol and developing dementia. The study involved 9,000 civil servants working in London, all of whom were aged between 35 and 55 when the study began between 1985 and 1988. When the study ended in 1993, their average age was 50. The participants’ medical records were analyzed to identify diagnoses of dementia—more than 23 years, on average, after the study had finished. The results found that abstinence in midlife wa…

9 Month Baby Update


Can you guys believe Riese is 9 months old today?! As I always say, time FLIES. Suddenly she is looking and acting a lot more like a little girl than a baby! I love it (this stage is so fun!) and hate it (this is all going by too quickly!) at the same time.

It has been awhile since I’ve done a baby check in, so I thought it would be fun to share one today!

The biggest update is that we are officially on the move – Riese just started crawling this week! She has been SO CLOSE (lots of rocking on all fours, and then getting frustrated and crying) for the past month so I knew it was only a matter of time. She took her first legit crawling movements on Tuesday, and just in the past few days she’s gotten a lot faster and able to crawl farther. Crazy how rapidly they get better at something once they figure it out! She’s happy – she used to get pretty frustrated trying to crawl and not being able to.

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-58729 size-large" src="…


Can you guys believe Riese is 9 months old today?! As I always say, time FLIES. Suddenly she is looking and acting a lot more like a little girl than a baby! I love it (this stage is so fun!) and hate it (this is all going by too quickly!) at the same time.

It has been awhile since I’ve done a baby check in, so I thought it would be fun to share one today!

The biggest update is that we are officially on the move – Riese just started crawling this week! She has been SO CLOSE (lots of rocking on all fours, and then getting frustrated and crying) for the past month so I knew it was only a matter of time. She took her first legit crawling movements on Tuesday, and just in the past few days she’s gotten a lot faster and able to crawl farther. Crazy how rapidly they get better at something once they figure it out! She’s happy – she used to get pretty frustrated trying to crawl and not being able to.

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-58729 size-large" src="…

Eating and Nutrition: Tips for College Students


Dr. Rodgers offers tips to keep you on track with healthy eating at college.


Dr. Rodgers offers tips to keep you on track with healthy eating at college.

The Brain of an Introvert


In the age of social media, networking and global never-ending communication, introverts are often viewed as rather inefficient. They are considered as people who would not happily express their opinion during the staff meetings or actively participate in brainstorming sessions. They are often considered to not be good at multitasking or be particularly charismatic. They are rarely at the center of attention at a party, and they often ignore their smartphones for hours in a row. These days, when we believe that big tasks require the active participation of large groups of people working together, being an introvert could come as a disadvantage.

But don’t discard introverts altogether: some of the most successful people in the world are introverts. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and even social media inventor Mark Zuckerberg are all self-confessed introverts. So how do these people who apparently lack some of the basic skills needed for a successful career manage to achieve so…


In the age of social media, networking and global never-ending communication, introverts are often viewed as rather inefficient. They are considered as people who would not happily express their opinion during the staff meetings or actively participate in brainstorming sessions. They are often considered to not be good at multitasking or be particularly charismatic. They are rarely at the center of attention at a party, and they often ignore their smartphones for hours in a row. These days, when we believe that big tasks require the active participation of large groups of people working together, being an introvert could come as a disadvantage.

But don’t discard introverts altogether: some of the most successful people in the world are introverts. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and even social media inventor Mark Zuckerberg are all self-confessed introverts. So how do these people who apparently lack some of the basic skills needed for a successful career manage to achieve so…

Alcohol Helps Kill 2.8 Million Globally Each Year


Worldwide, alcohol use was the seventh-leading risk factor for early death and disability in 2016. It was the top cause for early death and disability among 15- to 49-year-olds, accounting for one in 10 deaths. In this age group, the main causes of alcohol-related deaths were tuberculosis (1.4 percent), road injuries (1.2 percent) and self-harm (1.1 percent), the findings showed.


Worldwide, alcohol use was the seventh-leading risk factor for early death and disability in 2016. It was the top cause for early death and disability among 15- to 49-year-olds, accounting for one in 10 deaths. In this age group, the main causes of alcohol-related deaths were tuberculosis (1.4 percent), road injuries (1.2 percent) and self-harm (1.1 percent), the findings showed.

Impact of osteoporosis on the risk of dementia


by Health Europa: Osteoporosis is estimated to affect 200 million women globally. In Germany the occurrence of this disease amongst individuals aged above 50 years is roughly 15%. This current study had the goal of investigating the impact of osteoporosis……


by Health Europa: Osteoporosis is estimated to affect 200 million women globally. In Germany the occurrence of this disease amongst individuals aged above 50 years is roughly 15%. This current study had the goal of investigating the impact of osteoporosis……

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