Evidence for a Window of Increased Vulnerability to Sustain a Concussion in Females

Source: http://www.brainhealtheducation.org/evidence-for-a-window-of-increased-vulnerability-to-sustain-a-concussion-in-females/

A difference exists between sexes for the incidence of concussion injuries and severity of post-injury outcomes with females having a higher incidence rate (in comparable sports) and experience more robust symptoms than males. The basis for this disparity has remained largely unresolved. Recent findings point to a potential biological mechanism that may be related to

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Source: http://www.brainhealtheducation.org/evidence-for-a-window-of-increased-vulnerability-to-sustain-a-concussion-in-females/

A difference exists between sexes for the incidence of concussion injuries and severity of post-injury outcomes with females having a higher incidence rate (in comparable sports) and experience more robust symptoms than males. The basis for this disparity has remained largely unresolved. Recent findings point to a potential biological mechanism that may be related to

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The Number on the Scale Does Not Define Your Value

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/AIvAfIvMFkw/

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

We try to give our bodies value with numbers. We’re obsessed with the number on the scale and the circumference of our waist.

We also think our value lies in labels. Words like “obese,” “fat,” and “overweight” are triggers for many, and we abhor them like coffee breath, because we’ve been immersed in pocrescophobia (the fear of getting fat) from before we can remember.

But we are more than a category on a pie chart. We are more than our body shape. Magazines tell us we are shaped like a fruit, but we are shaped by the experiences that have made us the people we are today.

Our bodies may not be light, but inside we are shrouded…

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/AIvAfIvMFkw/

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

We try to give our bodies value with numbers. We’re obsessed with the number on the scale and the circumference of our waist.

We also think our value lies in labels. Words like “obese,” “fat,” and “overweight” are triggers for many, and we abhor them like coffee breath, because we’ve been immersed in pocrescophobia (the fear of getting fat) from before we can remember.

But we are more than a category on a pie chart. We are more than our body shape. Magazines tell us we are shaped like a fruit, but we are shaped by the experiences that have made us the people we are today.

Our bodies may not be light, but inside we are shrouded…

Love Doesn’t Mean Being a Hero or Being Saved

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/PQ4kg9tdJFI/

Most of us grow up believing that one day a handsome prince or beautiful princess will come our way and lead us into a life of “happily ever after.” No one knows what’s going to happen, but we’re certain it will be magical. We spend our childhoods desperate to grow up so that our lives can finally start when we meet “the one.”

The one who will make us happy. The one who will take all our cares away. The one who will love us, and only us, forever and ever.

Finally, we will be wanted and desired. We will be happy and feel great. Now our lives truly begin.

Only it doesn’t quite work out like that. I found out the hard way.

The Reality of Relationships

Relationships work well when two people take responsibility for <a href="https://tinybuddha.com/blog/30-self-care-t…

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/PQ4kg9tdJFI/

Most of us grow up believing that one day a handsome prince or beautiful princess will come our way and lead us into a life of “happily ever after.” No one knows what’s going to happen, but we’re certain it will be magical. We spend our childhoods desperate to grow up so that our lives can finally start when we meet “the one.”

The one who will make us happy. The one who will take all our cares away. The one who will love us, and only us, forever and ever.

Finally, we will be wanted and desired. We will be happy and feel great. Now our lives truly begin.

Only it doesn’t quite work out like that. I found out the hard way.

The Reality of Relationships

Relationships work well when two people take responsibility for <a href="https://tinybuddha.com/blog/30-self-care-t…

At last: attention to sugar’s role in dental health

Source https://www.foodpolitics.com/2019/07/at-last-some-attention-to-sugars-role-in-tooth-decay/

I included a chapter on sugar and dental disease in my 2015 book, Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning), because billions of people have decayed teeth and other dental problems that could have been kept intact by dental hygiene, fluoride treatment, or—consuming less sugar or sugary drinks.


  • Dental disease has a long history of being overlooked as a public health problem.
  • Sugar has a long history of being ignored as a cause of dental disease.

This may now be changing.

The Lancet has a new series on oral health:

Source https://www.foodpolitics.com/2019/07/at-last-some-attention-to-sugars-role-in-tooth-decay/

I included a chapter on sugar and dental disease in my 2015 book, Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning), because billions of people have decayed teeth and other dental problems that could have been kept intact by dental hygiene, fluoride treatment, or—consuming less sugar or sugary drinks.


  • Dental disease has a long history of being overlooked as a public health problem.
  • Sugar has a long history of being ignored as a cause of dental disease.

This may now be changing.

The Lancet has a new series on oral health:

Podcast 190 | Positive Thinking

Source https://www.theminimalists.com/p190/

By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan talk about the pros and cons of positive thinking with educator and podcaster T.K. Co…

Source https://www.theminimalists.com/p190/

By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan talk about the pros and cons of positive thinking with educator and podcaster T.K. Co…

Finding the Courage to Ask Others for Help

Source https://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/express-your-needs/

Dear John,

If a loved one asks something of me, I’m immediately there to help them. Yet I feel that if I asked them for a favor or expressed my true needs, I’d be burdening them. I tell myself I’m fine going with the flow, but then I sometimes feel angst for not asking what I want. What can I do to become more comfortable speaking up about my needs—and not feel like a burden when I do?

Thank you,
A Friend in Need


Dear A Friend in Need,

Thank you for writing in. It sounds like you are a very caring and compassionate person who is there for your loved ones. You are also aware that it is easier for you to give than to receive. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that it is difficult for you to ask, and therefore you do not have the opportunity to receive. In either case, I think many r…

Source https://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/express-your-needs/

Dear John,

If a loved one asks something of me, I’m immediately there to help them. Yet I feel that if I asked them for a favor or expressed my true needs, I’d be burdening them. I tell myself I’m fine going with the flow, but then I sometimes feel angst for not asking what I want. What can I do to become more comfortable speaking up about my needs—and not feel like a burden when I do?

Thank you,
A Friend in Need


Dear A Friend in Need,

Thank you for writing in. It sounds like you are a very caring and compassionate person who is there for your loved ones. You are also aware that it is easier for you to give than to receive. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that it is difficult for you to ask, and therefore you do not have the opportunity to receive. In either case, I think many r…

The Most Neglected & Powerful Act of Self-Care

Source http://zenhabits.net/self-love/

By Leo Babauta

Many of us are (rightfully) focused on taking care of our health, eating nourishing whole foods and trying to be active … while meditating and flossing and taking some time of disconnection, away from devices.

These are wonderful acts of self-care, and they are necessary and important.

But there’s one act of self-care that is very often neglected, and it might be even more important than all the others: the practice of loving yourself.

In fact, this is so often neglected that when I mention “loving yourself,” many people don’t know what that means. Many of us have never consciously done it. If we have, it’s so rare as to be a forgotten memory.

But it’s my belief that we should do it throughout the day, like trying to drink 8 glasses of water. We should give ourselves at least 8 doses of loving ourselves every day.</…

Source http://zenhabits.net/self-love/

By Leo Babauta

Many of us are (rightfully) focused on taking care of our health, eating nourishing whole foods and trying to be active … while meditating and flossing and taking some time of disconnection, away from devices.

These are wonderful acts of self-care, and they are necessary and important.

But there’s one act of self-care that is very often neglected, and it might be even more important than all the others: the practice of loving yourself.

In fact, this is so often neglected that when I mention “loving yourself,” many people don’t know what that means. Many of us have never consciously done it. If we have, it’s so rare as to be a forgotten memory.

But it’s my belief that we should do it throughout the day, like trying to drink 8 glasses of water. We should give ourselves at least 8 doses of loving ourselves every day.</…

A gene that causes Alzheimer’s drugs to fail

Source: https://womensbrainhealth.org/think-outside-the-box/a-gene-that-causes-alzheimers-drugs-to-fail

by Darwin Melicdem for Medical Daily: Alzheimer’s disease is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Despite the growing number of patients there are still no cure available, making it the only disease that cannot be treated……

Source: https://womensbrainhealth.org/think-outside-the-box/a-gene-that-causes-alzheimers-drugs-to-fail

by Darwin Melicdem for Medical Daily: Alzheimer’s disease is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Despite the growing number of patients there are still no cure available, making it the only disease that cannot be treated……

Why Language Breaks Down in Dementia

Source: https://womensbrainhealth.org/helpful-thinking/why-language-breaks-down-in-dementia

by Andrew E. Budson M.D. for Psychology Today: We listen to sounds coming out of someone’s mouth and turn it into meaning so often and so easily we hardly ever think about it. But when we visit a foreign country and……

Source: https://womensbrainhealth.org/helpful-thinking/why-language-breaks-down-in-dementia

by Andrew E. Budson M.D. for Psychology Today: We listen to sounds coming out of someone’s mouth and turn it into meaning so often and so easily we hardly ever think about it. But when we visit a foreign country and……

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