TRIB1 Regulates Uptake of Oxidized Lipids into Macrophages, and thus Drives Atherosclerosis


Atherosclerosis is a condition of dysfunctional macrophages. Macrophages are responsible for clearing out lipids that end up in blood vessel walls, ingesting these misplaced lipid molecules and handing them off to HDL particles to be carried to the liver for excretion. This works just fine in youth, in an environment of low oxidative stress and few oxidized lipids. Aging brings chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and oxidized lipids, however. Macrophages cannot process oxidized lipids all that well, and so becom…


Atherosclerosis is a condition of dysfunctional macrophages. Macrophages are responsible for clearing out lipids that end up in blood vessel walls, ingesting these misplaced lipid molecules and handing them off to HDL particles to be carried to the liver for excretion. This works just fine in youth, in an environment of low oxidative stress and few oxidized lipids. Aging brings chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and oxidized lipids, however. Macrophages cannot process oxidized lipids all that well, and so becom…

Oral Health for Older Adults


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

Older adults are at an especially high risk for mouth and tooth infections and the complications that can come with these problems. Losing teeth, which is mainly caused by infection, not only leads to changes in our appearance but may also make it harder to chew certain foods. That can make it harder to receive the nourishment we need to function. Complete loss of all teeth (also known as edentulous) is less common now in developed countries like the U.S., but it still becomes more common as we age regardless of where we may live.

Practicing good o…


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

Older adults are at an especially high risk for mouth and tooth infections and the complications that can come with these problems. Losing teeth, which is mainly caused by infection, not only leads to changes in our appearance but may also make it harder to chew certain foods. That can make it harder to receive the nourishment we need to function. Complete loss of all teeth (also known as edentulous) is less common now in developed countries like the U.S., but it still becomes more common as we age regardless of where we may live.

Practicing good o…

The Way of Less


By Leo Babauta

Our lives naturally get filled with clutter: possessions that we ordered online pour in week by week, we take on more and more, we are constantly reading and watching and responding, messages pour in daily as well.

The modern world is one of more, more and still more.

What would it be like to declutter our lives and live with less?

The Way of Less is one of:

  • Less clutter, fewer possessions, just the essentials
  • No need to reach for the comfort of buying things or holding onto things, because you have learned to take care of your stress without things
  • Less doing and busy-ness, because you’ve said no to more things, and have focused only on the things that make the most difference
  • Less distractedness, because you’re checking on things less, more focused and less responsive
  • Less on your to-read list, less on your to-watch list, less that you…


By Leo Babauta

Our lives naturally get filled with clutter: possessions that we ordered online pour in week by week, we take on more and more, we are constantly reading and watching and responding, messages pour in daily as well.

The modern world is one of more, more and still more.

What would it be like to declutter our lives and live with less?

The Way of Less is one of:

  • Less clutter, fewer possessions, just the essentials
  • No need to reach for the comfort of buying things or holding onto things, because you have learned to take care of your stress without things
  • Less doing and busy-ness, because you’ve said no to more things, and have focused only on the things that make the most difference
  • Less distractedness, because you’re checking on things less, more focused and less responsive
  • Less on your to-read list, less on your to-watch list, less that you…

Easy 1-Pot Mashed Potatoes


Easy 1-Pot Mashed Potatoes

What Thanksgiving table is complete without mashed potatoes? Not to worry — we’ve got you covered with our go-to EASY, 1-Pot Mashed Potatoes (just 5 ingredients required!).

Best Potatoes for Mashed Potatoes

Gold potatoes are our favorite for making mashed potatoes as we find they are the most buttery. We also love the rustic look they lend if some of the skins are left on.

While other potatoes will work in a pinch, we find that russet potatoes can be kind of mealy and red potatoes kind of waxy.<…


Easy 1-Pot Mashed Potatoes

What Thanksgiving table is complete without mashed potatoes? Not to worry — we’ve got you covered with our go-to EASY, 1-Pot Mashed Potatoes (just 5 ingredients required!).

Best Potatoes for Mashed Potatoes

Gold potatoes are our favorite for making mashed potatoes as we find they are the most buttery. We also love the rustic look they lend if some of the skins are left on.

While other potatoes will work in a pinch, we find that russet potatoes can be kind of mealy and red potatoes kind of waxy.<…

Data from New Study Supports What Logic Already Says: Being Physically Active Can Lower Older Adults’ Risk for Dying


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

For older adults, being physically active is an important part of overall good health. In fact, experts say that nine percent of all premature deaths are caused by not getting enough physical activity. Physical activity is known to reduce deaths from heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and mental illness.

A team of researchers looked more carefully at the relationship between death and physical exercise among older adults in Brazil (where the number of older adults grew 40 percent between 2002 and 2012). Their study was published in the …


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

For older adults, being physically active is an important part of overall good health. In fact, experts say that nine percent of all premature deaths are caused by not getting enough physical activity. Physical activity is known to reduce deaths from heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and mental illness.

A team of researchers looked more carefully at the relationship between death and physical exercise among older adults in Brazil (where the number of older adults grew 40 percent between 2002 and 2012). Their study was published in the …

How to Set Boundaries in Awkward Situations with Strangers


“Boundaries aren’t about punishing. Boundaries are about creating safety for yourself.” ~Sheri Keffer

The person sitting beside you at the bar keeps talking to you despite your obvious disinterest. The flirty Uber driver mentions—three times—how beautiful you are. Your cousin’s new boyfriend gives you a too-long hug with wandering hands.

In awkward situations with strangers, we tend to hope that non-verbal cues will be sufficient to set a boundary. We use silence, crossed arms, uncomfortable laughter, and glares to communicate discomfort. But some folks cannot—or will not—take the hint.

Here, we find ourselves at a crossroads: We can either set clear verbal boundaries or tolerate the uncomfor…


“Boundaries aren’t about punishing. Boundaries are about creating safety for yourself.” ~Sheri Keffer

The person sitting beside you at the bar keeps talking to you despite your obvious disinterest. The flirty Uber driver mentions—three times—how beautiful you are. Your cousin’s new boyfriend gives you a too-long hug with wandering hands.

In awkward situations with strangers, we tend to hope that non-verbal cues will be sufficient to set a boundary. We use silence, crossed arms, uncomfortable laughter, and glares to communicate discomfort. But some folks cannot—or will not—take the hint.

Here, we find ourselves at a crossroads: We can either set clear verbal boundaries or tolerate the uncomfor…

Assessing Gene Therapy to Upregulate Three Longevity-Associated Genes in Mice


Today’s open access research materials report on results obtained in mice using gene therapy to upregulates protein production of several longevity-associated genes. As expected from prior research into these genes and their influence on the operation of metabolism, health is improved in mouse models of age-related disease. As might also be expected based on past results, some combinations are not effective for reasons that remain to be explored: metabolism is complicated, and pulling on levers and turning dials rarely does exactly what was expected.

Evolution does not produce optimal organisms, as seen from the perspective of the individual. This is well illustrated in mice, where any number of single gene alterations, even just dialing up or down the amount of protein produced over time, leads to be…


Today’s open access research materials report on results obtained in mice using gene therapy to upregulates protein production of several longevity-associated genes. As expected from prior research into these genes and their influence on the operation of metabolism, health is improved in mouse models of age-related disease. As might also be expected based on past results, some combinations are not effective for reasons that remain to be explored: metabolism is complicated, and pulling on levers and turning dials rarely does exactly what was expected.

Evolution does not produce optimal organisms, as seen from the perspective of the individual. This is well illustrated in mice, where any number of single gene alterations, even just dialing up or down the amount of protein produced over time, leads to be…

10 Niyamas: Personal Observances to Deepen Your Yoga Practice


In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali defines the eight limbs of Aṣṭāṅga yoga that help one reach the “state” of yoga. The second limb is niyama, which can be translated to mean “personal observances.” Like the yamas, the practice of the niyamas is a way to help bring the mind into a state of balance for the purpose of yoga. While the yamas relate more to our interactions with the external world, the focus of the niyamas is more internal. The practices support connecting to the jivātman (soul) and Paramātman (supreme soul).

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Yoga Yajñavalkya list 10 niyamas, which are also mentioned by Krishnamacharya in his Yoga Makaranda. Below are brief descriptions of these 10 niyamas.

1. Tapas is the effort that is required t…


In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali defines the eight limbs of Aṣṭāṅga yoga that help one reach the “state” of yoga. The second limb is niyama, which can be translated to mean “personal observances.” Like the yamas, the practice of the niyamas is a way to help bring the mind into a state of balance for the purpose of yoga. While the yamas relate more to our interactions with the external world, the focus of the niyamas is more internal. The practices support connecting to the jivātman (soul) and Paramātman (supreme soul).

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Yoga Yajñavalkya list 10 niyamas, which are also mentioned by Krishnamacharya in his Yoga Makaranda. Below are brief descriptions of these 10 niyamas.

1. Tapas is the effort that is required t…

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