Get Outta My Life, Aunt Flow Bloat!


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Flat Tummy Tea. All opinions are 100% mine.

Have I mentioned how much I’m digging Fall while living in the South?  As I religiously check my weather app on my phone to compare Charleston to my hometown of Chicago, I see that it’s dropping MUCH faster in Chicago than it is here.  Ladies and gents, that’s okay with me!  I moved to the South for less cold weather and I got what I asked for.

My favorite fall activity is playing soccer (okay, I lied.  Maybe it’s my favorite activity year round but I like playing soccer in the fall the most). Since I’m not in my early 20’s anymore, it’s a much harder game to play these days.  For realz!  I sometimes feel like I’m dying a slow death on the field and I’m pretty sure I probably look like it at times too haha.  Every soccer game makes me realize I’m not a young buck anymore!  

Anyways, my game tonight was a bit different.  My glorious aunt flow is arriving soon and I get the worst case of bloating that comes along with it.  The bloating always makes me sluggish and slower on the soccer field. I did some research and found Flat Tummy Tea. I’ve already seen it go wild on social media (oh hello Kardashia…


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Flat Tummy Tea. All opinions are 100% mine.

Have I mentioned how much I’m digging Fall while living in the South?  As I religiously check my weather app on my phone to compare Charleston to my hometown of Chicago, I see that it’s dropping MUCH faster in Chicago than it is here.  Ladies and gents, that’s okay with me!  I moved to the South for less cold weather and I got what I asked for.

My favorite fall activity is playing soccer (okay, I lied.  Maybe it’s my favorite activity year round but I like playing soccer in the fall the most). Since I’m not in my early 20’s anymore, it’s a much harder game to play these days.  For realz!  I sometimes feel like I’m dying a slow death on the field and I’m pretty sure I probably look like it at times too haha.  Every soccer game makes me realize I’m not a young buck anymore!  

Anyways, my game tonight was a bit different.  My glorious aunt flow is arriving soon and I get the worst case of bloating that comes along with it.  The bloating always makes me sluggish and slower on the soccer field. I did some research and found Flat Tummy Tea. I’ve already seen it go wild on social media (oh hello Kardashia…

A Bunch of Things I Did to Get out of Debt


By Joshua Fields Millburn ·

Minimalism isn’t deprivation, but sometimes temporarily depriving yourself creates a path toward financial freedom. That was certainly true for me: I had six figures in debt—nearly half-a-million dollars if you include my mortgage—but today I’m debt-free. Of course, it took diligent budgeting to get there:

Cut cable TV, wrote more.
Drove less, walked more.
Cut credit cards, spent cash.
Stopped eating out, cooked meals at home.
Silenced satellite radio, meditated more.
Canceled gym membership, exercised at parks.
Lived without home Internet, used public Wi-Fi.
Sold large home, rented a smaller apartment.
Canceled mag…


By Joshua Fields Millburn ·

Minimalism isn’t deprivation, but sometimes temporarily depriving yourself creates a path toward financial freedom. That was certainly true for me: I had six figures in debt—nearly half-a-million dollars if you include my mortgage—but today I’m debt-free. Of course, it took diligent budgeting to get there:

Cut cable TV, wrote more.
Drove less, walked more.
Cut credit cards, spent cash.
Stopped eating out, cooked meals at home.
Silenced satellite radio, meditated more.
Canceled gym membership, exercised at parks.
Lived without home Internet, used public Wi-Fi.
Sold large home, rented a smaller apartment.
Canceled mag…

Joe Rivera


Since he started personal training in Santa Monica 15 years ago, Joe Rivera (Focus Center Fitness) has been named “trainer to the stars” as well as trainer, to the trainers of the stars” by Shape Magazine.

see more


Since he started personal training in Santa Monica 15 years ago, Joe Rivera (Focus Center Fitness) has been named “trainer to the stars” as well as trainer, to the trainers of the stars” by Shape Magazine.

see more

A Short Workout is Better Than No Workout!


You may have the perfect routine for cardio, strength training, stretching and a shower. But sometimes life gets in the way and you may not have the full 75 minutes you dedicate to your exercise routine. When carving out that chunk of time is not an option, it’s easy to forego your workout altogether. But even a short workout has … Read More

The post A Short Workout is Better Than No Workout! appeared first on Personal Training Vancouver.


You may have the perfect routine for cardio, strength training, stretching and a shower. But sometimes life gets in the way and you may not have the full 75 minutes you dedicate to your exercise routine. When carving out that chunk of time is not an option, it’s easy to forego your workout altogether. But even a short workout has … Read More

The post A Short Workout is Better Than No Workout! appeared first on Personal Training Vancouver.

Healing the Inner Child: Free Yourself from Subconscious Pain


Cute little girl

“The child is in me still and sometimes not so still.” ~Mr. Rogers

We’ve all been there. Either we’ve said “Stop acting like a child!” to someone who we felt was acting immature, or someone said it to us in a moment that we’re not too proud about. Many couples would sum up their frustration with their partner by saying that, at times, they act like a child.

For many of us, we continue to feel frustration and disdain for the part of us that seems to repeat in failure, pain, or foolish behavior. Whether it’s unhealthy relationships, acting out, or some level of attention seeking, no matter how hard we try, there seems to be in all of us a little child that won’t be still and act right.

I spent most of my life trying not to make mistakes and hiding the parts of me that I knew others would disapprove of. As a kid I excelled in sports, grades, and music. I was “cool” enough to play the drums and always managed to be first chair in the band (this is the best drummer position, for non-band nerds).

Each week there would be a test to determine who would be first chair. One day, while testing, I forgot to repeat a certain part of the routine. The r…


Cute little girl

“The child is in me still and sometimes not so still.” ~Mr. Rogers

We’ve all been there. Either we’ve said “Stop acting like a child!” to someone who we felt was acting immature, or someone said it to us in a moment that we’re not too proud about. Many couples would sum up their frustration with their partner by saying that, at times, they act like a child.

For many of us, we continue to feel frustration and disdain for the part of us that seems to repeat in failure, pain, or foolish behavior. Whether it’s unhealthy relationships, acting out, or some level of attention seeking, no matter how hard we try, there seems to be in all of us a little child that won’t be still and act right.

I spent most of my life trying not to make mistakes and hiding the parts of me that I knew others would disapprove of. As a kid I excelled in sports, grades, and music. I was “cool” enough to play the drums and always managed to be first chair in the band (this is the best drummer position, for non-band nerds).

Each week there would be a test to determine who would be first chair. One day, while testing, I forgot to repeat a certain part of the routine. The r…

Woman Shamed for Getting Dessert, Because Apparently That’s Everyone’s Business


It’s so messed up that we live in a world where people think it’s OK to comment on what we choose to eat. (Are you sure you want another slice of cake?) Rebecca Jane Stokes, an editor at Your Tango, experienced this firsthand while traveling home on the train with a bag of Insomnia Cookies (um, yum!).

Another rider approached her and said, “You’re so lucky, just eating whatever you want and not caring. I’m a dancer so I can’t do that.” Did this woman think she was giving Stokes a compliment? Did she expect Stokes to saying something like: ‘Yes, it’s so freeing just letting yourself go’?

The comment caught Stokes off guard (who expects to get called out for walking around with cookies?), but then her thoughts started swirling. She perfectly nails all of the things you want to say to someone who body shames you in public in an essay she wrote recounting the incident. Here’s an excerpt:

Do I tell her that I first knew I was fat when I was 7?

Do I tell her I saw my first nutritionist, started counting c…


It’s so messed up that we live in a world where people think it’s OK to comment on what we choose to eat. (Are you sure you want another slice of cake?) Rebecca Jane Stokes, an editor at Your Tango, experienced this firsthand while traveling home on the train with a bag of Insomnia Cookies (um, yum!).

Another rider approached her and said, “You’re so lucky, just eating whatever you want and not caring. I’m a dancer so I can’t do that.” Did this woman think she was giving Stokes a compliment? Did she expect Stokes to saying something like: ‘Yes, it’s so freeing just letting yourself go’?

The comment caught Stokes off guard (who expects to get called out for walking around with cookies?), but then her thoughts started swirling. She perfectly nails all of the things you want to say to someone who body shames you in public in an essay she wrote recounting the incident. Here’s an excerpt:

Do I tell her that I first knew I was fat when I was 7?

Do I tell her I saw my first nutritionist, started counting c…

15 Things Only Soccer Players Will Understand


When you grow up playing soccer, it becomes a part of who you are.  With the year-round soccer seasons, there ends up being so many things that only people who grew up playing soccer can relate to.  These top 15 things bring me back to my childhood soccer days and make me miss it like crazy!  To all you former/current soccer players, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate.  Feel free to hover over the image and share with other soccer lovers to bring back some good memories!


#1. Orange slices at halftime.  You always got excited to bite your teeth into those cold orange slices after running around in the grueling heat.

#2. Huge gallon water bottles.  A simple water bottle is just simply not enough water.  You need a JUG and fill it up with ice water.  I swear water tastes better out of those things.


#3. Weekend hotel adventures. When you have a tournament on…


When you grow up playing soccer, it becomes a part of who you are.  With the year-round soccer seasons, there ends up being so many things that only people who grew up playing soccer can relate to.  These top 15 things bring me back to my childhood soccer days and make me miss it like crazy!  To all you former/current soccer players, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate.  Feel free to hover over the image and share with other soccer lovers to bring back some good memories!


#1. Orange slices at halftime.  You always got excited to bite your teeth into those cold orange slices after running around in the grueling heat.

#2. Huge gallon water bottles.  A simple water bottle is just simply not enough water.  You need a JUG and fill it up with ice water.  I swear water tastes better out of those things.


#3. Weekend hotel adventures. When you have a tournament on…

Focus on Eggs


Unfortunately, over the years, eggs have been a much maligned food.  Due to their yolk’s high cholesterol level, doctors and other health professionals have advocated limiting their consumption, particularly for people with high cholesterol.  These recommendations are unfortunate because eggs offer many health benefits and their impact on cholesterol is not clear cut.  Eggs are a significant source of Vitamin A, Selenium, Folate, B vitamins and phosphorous.  Even though  their yolks contain 212 mgs of the 300 daily recommended mgs of cholesterol, over 70% of people show no cholesterol response to egg consumption and the other 30% of people (called hyper responders) showed a minimal increase in LDL and total cholesterol.   These studies show, however, that eggs change the LDL particles from the small, dense particles associated with heart disease to large LDL molecules.  People with predominately large LDL particles have a lower risk of heart disease.  In fact, some studies have actually shown egg consumption can increase HDL (the “good” cholesterol) in some people.  Egg yolks are also an excellent source of complete protein (6 grams of protein per large egg and they contain all of the essential amino acids) and they contain 100 mgs of…


Unfortunately, over the years, eggs have been a much maligned food.  Due to their yolk’s high cholesterol level, doctors and other health professionals have advocated limiting their consumption, particularly for people with high cholesterol.  These recommendations are unfortunate because eggs offer many health benefits and their impact on cholesterol is not clear cut.  Eggs are a significant source of Vitamin A, Selenium, Folate, B vitamins and phosphorous.  Even though  their yolks contain 212 mgs of the 300 daily recommended mgs of cholesterol, over 70% of people show no cholesterol response to egg consumption and the other 30% of people (called hyper responders) showed a minimal increase in LDL and total cholesterol.   These studies show, however, that eggs change the LDL particles from the small, dense particles associated with heart disease to large LDL molecules.  People with predominately large LDL particles have a lower risk of heart disease.  In fact, some studies have actually shown egg consumption can increase HDL (the “good” cholesterol) in some people.  Egg yolks are also an excellent source of complete protein (6 grams of protein per large egg and they contain all of the essential amino acids) and they contain 100 mgs of…

When Fear and Panic Win: How to Deal with Anxiety


Panicked man

“Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.” ~Karen Salmansohn

As much as I believe that you can move through fear to do whatever it is that you want to do, sometimes fear wins.

Sometimes, try as you might, you can’t push yourself forward. You retreat, worn, battle scarred, banged up, and with your tail between your legs.

You wave your white flag. You surrender.

Fear wins.

But it is in this moment of loss that you can learn some very important things.

Let me explain.

Earlier this year, a friend invited me to a play. Looking forward to it, I got dressed, ate lunch, and headed out to take the train.

On the train to the show I had a panic attack.

Sometime along my teen years, I developed a phobia called emetophobia (the fear of throwing up). It manifests itself most often as panic attacks, usually in confined spaces like trains. It had been better for years, and that day on the train the panic came back.

Through sheer grit, distraction, and tears I made it to the theater, pulled myself together. and tried to pretend that I was okay</a…


Panicked man

“Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.” ~Karen Salmansohn

As much as I believe that you can move through fear to do whatever it is that you want to do, sometimes fear wins.

Sometimes, try as you might, you can’t push yourself forward. You retreat, worn, battle scarred, banged up, and with your tail between your legs.

You wave your white flag. You surrender.

Fear wins.

But it is in this moment of loss that you can learn some very important things.

Let me explain.

Earlier this year, a friend invited me to a play. Looking forward to it, I got dressed, ate lunch, and headed out to take the train.

On the train to the show I had a panic attack.

Sometime along my teen years, I developed a phobia called emetophobia (the fear of throwing up). It manifests itself most often as panic attacks, usually in confined spaces like trains. It had been better for years, and that day on the train the panic came back.

Through sheer grit, distraction, and tears I made it to the theater, pulled myself together. and tried to pretend that I was okay</a…

CORE VALUES: Why and Who We are


This blog is going to kick off our series on Core Values. Recently much of our writing has been less about “fitness” and more about achieving long term success in fitness and in life. In the past blogs we addressed goals and quitting(you may want to read them first).  The next way to continue this discussion is to  discuss Core Values. We will start with an overview of our Core Values at Evolution Fitness, then our subsequent blogs will discuss how Core Values play into achieving goals in our everyday lives. Core Values are two words that drive companies and individuals whether they have specifically identified them or not. Unfortunately, they have turned into obligatory statements and generalities. There is nothing general about a core value. They are THE WHY you do what you do, which d…


This blog is going to kick off our series on Core Values. Recently much of our writing has been less about “fitness” and more about achieving long term success in fitness and in life. In the past blogs we addressed goals and quitting(you may want to read them first).  The next way to continue this discussion is to  discuss Core Values. We will start with an overview of our Core Values at Evolution Fitness, then our subsequent blogs will discuss how Core Values play into achieving goals in our everyday lives. Core Values are two words that drive companies and individuals whether they have specifically identified them or not. Unfortunately, they have turned into obligatory statements and generalities. There is nothing general about a core value. They are THE WHY you do what you do, which d…

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