33 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do Literally Anywhere

Source https://greatist.com/fitness/resistance-band-exercises

Rock out with the band! Resistance bands are a great addition to any strength training routine or rehabilitation program. They come in a variety of sizes, lengths, and resistance levels.

They’re also portable and easy to store, so they’re perfect for home use, hotel workouts, or making the most of a small space at the gym.

Just like free weights, exercise bands come in a range of resistance levels, from highly stretchable to heavy-duty strength.

The most common types of bands are tube bands with handles, loop bands, and therapy bands. If you’re in doubt, a fitness professional can help determine which band is right for you, depending on your fitness level and your specific workout plan.

For most exercises, try aiming for 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 25 reps per exercise. Ready, set, stre-e-e-etch!

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Source https://greatist.com/fitness/resistance-band-exercises

Rock out with the band! Resistance bands are a great addition to any strength training routine or rehabilitation program. They come in a variety of sizes, lengths, and resistance levels.

They’re also portable and easy to store, so they’re perfect for home use, hotel workouts, or making the most of a small space at the gym.

Just like free weights, exercise bands come in a range of resistance levels, from highly stretchable to heavy-duty strength.

The most common types of bands are tube bands with handles, loop bands, and therapy bands. If you’re in doubt, a fitness professional can help determine which band is right for you, depending on your fitness level and your specific workout plan.

For most exercises, try aiming for 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 25 reps per exercise. Ready, set, stre-e-e-etch!

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