4 Ways to Finish Your Year Strong

Source http://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/end-the-year/

The end of the year is for consolidation and contemplation. It’s also for rest and relaxation, but that’s hard to do if we still have lots on our minds. Closing out the year strong is important so we can allow our bodies and minds to fully recover in preparation for what’s to come. Easier said than done, I know, which is why I’m sharing four of my favorite tips from my newest book, The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People, on how to make room for recharging your batteries during the hectic holiday season.

1. Close out big items.

Before Dec 21, it’s ideal to push hard and close out what’s still on your mind. The winter solstice is a great deadline to call it for the year. Make a plan to handle the biggest to-do’s in the morning and stay on them until they’re done to your satisfaction. You’ll feel less motivated to do anything this time of year, so let’s focus on the high-priority items that need to be done first. The payload is the down-time where you can have a clear mind to relax and recharge after the 21st. Stay focused on completing the tasks so they don’t haunt you while you’re trying to get some personal time.<br cla…

Source http://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/end-the-year/

The end of the year is for consolidation and contemplation. It’s also for rest and relaxation, but that’s hard to do if we still have lots on our minds. Closing out the year strong is important so we can allow our bodies and minds to fully recover in preparation for what’s to come. Easier said than done, I know, which is why I’m sharing four of my favorite tips from my newest book, The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People, on how to make room for recharging your batteries during the hectic holiday season.

1. Close out big items.

Before Dec 21, it’s ideal to push hard and close out what’s still on your mind. The winter solstice is a great deadline to call it for the year. Make a plan to handle the biggest to-do’s in the morning and stay on them until they’re done to your satisfaction. You’ll feel less motivated to do anything this time of year, so let’s focus on the high-priority items that need to be done first. The payload is the down-time where you can have a clear mind to relax and recharge after the 21st. Stay focused on completing the tasks so they don’t haunt you while you’re trying to get some personal time.<br cla…

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