5 Skin-Soothing Tips to Improve Your Eczema Skin Care Routine

Source https://greatist.com/eczema/eczema-skin-care-routine

If you’ve got eczema, you know the struggle can be real. 

Eczema, a condition that causes skin issues like red or discolored, itchy rashes, can affect people differently, so eczema skin care doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. From flakes to flare-ups, caring for eczema-prone skin takes effort… and sometimes some trial and error.

Looking for the right skin care routine for your eczema? There are some steps you can take to soothe (and often prevent!) symptoms, even when a flare erupts. 

5 tips for your eczema skin care routine

  1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
  2. Know your triggers
  3. Watch your water temp
  4. Peep product labels
  5. Keep it consistent
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Source https://greatist.com/eczema/eczema-skin-care-routine

If you’ve got eczema, you know the struggle can be real. 

Eczema, a condition that causes skin issues like red or discolored, itchy rashes, can affect people differently, so eczema skin care doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. From flakes to flare-ups, caring for eczema-prone skin takes effort… and sometimes some trial and error.

Looking for the right skin care routine for your eczema? There are some steps you can take to soothe (and often prevent!) symptoms, even when a flare erupts. 

5 tips for your eczema skin care routine

  1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
  2. Know your triggers
  3. Watch your water temp
  4. Peep product labels
  5. Keep it consistent
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