Clearing Senescent Cells from the Neural Stem Cell Niche Rapidly Improves Neurogenesis in Old Mice


Neurogenesis is the generation of new neurons in the brain, and their integration into existing neural circuits. It is essential to learning and recovery from injury. Neurogenesis is most studied in the hippocampus, connected to memory, and in mice. In humans the debate continues over the degree to which neurogenesis takes place in adult life, and where in the brain it does take place, but the pendulum leans towards this being a significant process over much of the life span. Importantly, neurogenesis appears to decline with age, whil…


Neurogenesis is the generation of new neurons in the brain, and their integration into existing neural circuits. It is essential to learning and recovery from injury. Neurogenesis is most studied in the hippocampus, connected to memory, and in mice. In humans the debate continues over the degree to which neurogenesis takes place in adult life, and where in the brain it does take place, but the pendulum leans towards this being a significant process over much of the life span. Importantly, neurogenesis appears to decline with age, whil…

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