5 Ways to Reduce Your Stress Levels

Source https://zenhabits.net/stressful/

By Leo Babauta

Stress is a part of life, and eliminating it is a fool’s errand. If you ever succeeded in eliminating all of stress, your life would be boring and you’d have removed yourself from anything meaningful.

That said … too much stress can be toxic. It can negatively affect our sleep, our health, our relationships, our happiness. If your stress levels are high on a regular basis, it’s like having a smoking habit — it will take its toll over time.

So how do we reduce stress levels to something manageable? I’m going to share some of the most important ways to shift stress in your life. They might not be new to you, but I strongly encourage you to view them as life-savers, and commit to putting them into practice.

  1. Relaxed State of Being: In each moment, we can be constricted and tight, or relaxed and open. Which are you right now?…

Source https://zenhabits.net/stressful/

By Leo Babauta

Stress is a part of life, and eliminating it is a fool’s errand. If you ever succeeded in eliminating all of stress, your life would be boring and you’d have removed yourself from anything meaningful.

That said … too much stress can be toxic. It can negatively affect our sleep, our health, our relationships, our happiness. If your stress levels are high on a regular basis, it’s like having a smoking habit — it will take its toll over time.

So how do we reduce stress levels to something manageable? I’m going to share some of the most important ways to shift stress in your life. They might not be new to you, but I strongly encourage you to view them as life-savers, and commit to putting them into practice.

  1. Relaxed State of Being: In each moment, we can be constricted and tight, or relaxed and open. Which are you right now?…

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