July Blog posts — fall detection, dementia tech, aging in place and more

Source https://www.ageinplacetech.com/blog/july-blog-posts-fall-detection-dementia-tech-aging-place-and-more

And in other news, CMS really wants older adults with dementia to remain in their homes.  The government agency seems to have given up on improving the quality or affordability of dementia care in senior living or nursing homes. The new GUIDE program will support caregivers and ‘enable people living with dementia to remain in their homes and communities.’ But is that the best setting for dementia care? No way to share meals with others, access staff-run activities, and build on the expertise of caring for people with dementia that the senior-related industries already est…

Source https://www.ageinplacetech.com/blog/july-blog-posts-fall-detection-dementia-tech-aging-place-and-more

And in other news, CMS really wants older adults with dementia to remain in their homes.  The government agency seems to have given up on improving the quality or affordability of dementia care in senior living or nursing homes. The new GUIDE program will support caregivers and ‘enable people living with dementia to remain in their homes and communities.’ But is that the best setting for dementia care? No way to share meals with others, access staff-run activities, and build on the expertise of caring for people with dementia that the senior-related industries already est…

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