A Role for Raised Ceramide Levels in Sarcopenia

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/12/a-role-for-raised-ceramide-levels-in-sarcopenia/

Researchers here provide evidence for raised levels of ceramide in muscle tissue to be an important part of the metabolic dysfunction of aging. It reduces muscle stem cell activity, contributing to the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength that leads to sarcopenia and frailty. Whether working on this point of intervention, to produce improved ceramide blockers with fewer side-effects, is better or worse than other avenues is an open question. Altered metabolism is thought to be a fair way downstream from the root causes of aging, and tackling root causes should always be a better option. It is is very challenging to track backwards …

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/12/a-role-for-raised-ceramide-levels-in-sarcopenia/

Researchers here provide evidence for raised levels of ceramide in muscle tissue to be an important part of the metabolic dysfunction of aging. It reduces muscle stem cell activity, contributing to the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength that leads to sarcopenia and frailty. Whether working on this point of intervention, to produce improved ceramide blockers with fewer side-effects, is better or worse than other avenues is an open question. Altered metabolism is thought to be a fair way downstream from the root causes of aging, and tackling root causes should always be a better option. It is is very challenging to track backwards …

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