On the Aging of the Kidneys

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/12/on-the-aging-of-the-kidneys/

The longevity-associated gene klotho is known to act in kidney tissue, in ways that are protective of cell function in the aging environment of damage and inflammation. One of the conclusions that might be drawn from the extended life span produced by increased klotho expression in animal studies is that declining kidney function is an important aspect of aging. If the kidneys are not efficiently clearing waste from the bloodstream, and otherwise providing their contribution to bodily function, then all organs suffer as a result. Faster loss of kidney function means a faster decline into disease and mortality.

The renal condition is one of the crucial predictors of longevity; therefore, early diagnosis of any dysfunction plays an important role. The key role of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the blood and also regulat…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/12/on-the-aging-of-the-kidneys/

The longevity-associated gene klotho is known to act in kidney tissue, in ways that are protective of cell function in the aging environment of damage and inflammation. One of the conclusions that might be drawn from the extended life span produced by increased klotho expression in animal studies is that declining kidney function is an important aspect of aging. If the kidneys are not efficiently clearing waste from the bloodstream, and otherwise providing their contribution to bodily function, then all organs suffer as a result. Faster loss of kidney function means a faster decline into disease and mortality.

The renal condition is one of the crucial predictors of longevity; therefore, early diagnosis of any dysfunction plays an important role. The key role of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the blood and also regulat…

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