How I’m Training for My First Ultramarathon in 9 Years… With No Long Runs


In 2013, I ran my first 100-mile ultramarathon

And then, just like that, I quit running.

Quitting wasn’t really the plan. But I got busy with the tour for my first book, and just never started training again.

The 100 had been the culmination of a decade of hard work, ups and downs, a Boston Marathon journey, and of course, a plant-based diet

I had actually loved running the race, and figured it was the first of many 100’s. But after I stopped, I learned that I really enjoyed not running at all. 

So t…


In 2013, I ran my first 100-mile ultramarathon

And then, just like that, I quit running.

Quitting wasn’t really the plan. But I got busy with the tour for my first book, and just never started training again.

The 100 had been the culmination of a decade of hard work, ups and downs, a Boston Marathon journey, and of course, a plant-based diet

I had actually loved running the race, and figured it was the first of many 100’s. But after I stopped, I learned that I really enjoyed not running at all. 

So t…

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