The Goodies of Giloy: All About the Benefits of Giloy for Skin, Hair, and Weight Loss


For centuries, Ayurvedic medicine has championed the use of giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) for its seemingly endless array of healing and restorative properties. But does it really work?

What are the possible benefits of giloy?

Giloy is a plant that’s been an integral part of traditional medicine and the Ayurvedic pharmacy for ages.

Its fans say that giloy contains miraculous substances that can better health and improve life expectancy. They might be right. Studies have shown giloy may provide the following potential health benefits:

  • may reduce skin damage and the appearance of wrinkles
  • strengthens, protects, and restores the hair
  • promotes weight management
  • positive effects on <a href="/happiness/23-sc…


For centuries, Ayurvedic medicine has championed the use of giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) for its seemingly endless array of healing and restorative properties. But does it really work?

What are the possible benefits of giloy?

Giloy is a plant that’s been an integral part of traditional medicine and the Ayurvedic pharmacy for ages.

Its fans say that giloy contains miraculous substances that can better health and improve life expectancy. They might be right. Studies have shown giloy may provide the following potential health benefits:

  • may reduce skin damage and the appearance of wrinkles
  • strengthens, protects, and restores the hair
  • promotes weight management
  • positive effects on <a href="/happiness/23-sc…

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