Loss of Taste in Elderly Adults

Source https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/603036810/0/griswoldhomecare~Loss-of-Taste-in-Elderly-Adults/

Group of seniors eating

As we age, our taste buds start to diminish and we find that we cannot enjoy the same foods as much as we used to. In this post, we will explore why we experience this loss of taste buds with age, potential risk factors, and what you can do to solve this issue.

Do Taste Buds Change with Age?

According to Dr. Steven Parnes, a New York-based ENT-otolaryngologist, the average person is born with about 9,000 taste buds. They cover the tongue and have varying degrees of sensitivity to different…

Source https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/603036810/0/griswoldhomecare~Loss-of-Taste-in-Elderly-Adults/

Group of seniors eating

As we age, our taste buds start to diminish and we find that we cannot enjoy the same foods as much as we used to. In this post, we will explore why we experience this loss of taste buds with age, potential risk factors, and what you can do to solve this issue.

Do Taste Buds Change with Age?

According to Dr. Steven Parnes, a New York-based ENT-otolaryngologist, the average person is born with about 9,000 taste buds. They cover the tongue and have varying degrees of sensitivity to different…

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