Making Peace with Today’s Troublesome Political Climate


Staying on top of politics is a new priority in many people’s lives. You’re likely getting more news alerts, reading more news articles, and watching more news clips than ever before. And though it’s true that today’s political climate is troubling for all people, this trend in paying attention to current events is really nothing new for the rest of the world. While many Americans may be just now starting to care deeply about politics, in some places, especially third-world countries, it has been the forefront for centuries.

How do the people who live in these places deal with all this strife? They know that politics can’t drive one’s life.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t care about what’s going on or refuse to be informed, but the key to keeping yourself going in times like these is to limit your emotional involvement with day-to-day political happenings. If you find yourself reading or watching the news and notice an emotional reaction in yourself or your family is becoming divided by differing opinions, the best approach is to respond mindfully.

Here are three coping strategies that you can use when it all just seems like too much.

1. Consider Humanity vs. Politics

The simplest way to rise above political stress and conflict is to ask yourself: Am I a human bei…


Staying on top of politics is a new priority in many people’s lives. You’re likely getting more news alerts, reading more news articles, and watching more news clips than ever before. And though it’s true that today’s political climate is troubling for all people, this trend in paying attention to current events is really nothing new for the rest of the world. While many Americans may be just now starting to care deeply about politics, in some places, especially third-world countries, it has been the forefront for centuries.

How do the people who live in these places deal with all this strife? They know that politics can’t drive one’s life.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t care about what’s going on or refuse to be informed, but the key to keeping yourself going in times like these is to limit your emotional involvement with day-to-day political happenings. If you find yourself reading or watching the news and notice an emotional reaction in yourself or your family is becoming divided by differing opinions, the best approach is to respond mindfully.

Here are three coping strategies that you can use when it all just seems like too much.

1. Consider Humanity vs. Politics

The simplest way to rise above political stress and conflict is to ask yourself: Am I a human bei…

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